Lowcountry "Fish Scales" Home Page

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Captain's Meeting
and Late Registration

Charleston Maritime Center
10 Wharfside St
Charleston, SC 29401

Friday - August 8, 2014
6:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Silent Auction, vendor tables,
dinner, drinks, music,
and prize drawing

Registration Fee
Now through July 25th
available online at

$40.00 per adult angler
$25.00 per youth angler
(youth is 12 and under)
after July 25th
$45.00 per adult angler
$30.00 per youth angler

Angler registration fee includes
tournament T-shirt,
2 prize drawing tickets,
dinner and drinks at the
Captain's Meeting and
Awards Ceremony

Adults attending the
Captain's Meeting but
not registering may enjoy
dinner and drinks for $25.00
also Adults for the
Awards Ceremony is $25.00
Childern ages 4 to 12 - $10.00
each event
Under 4 years - free

Awards Ceremony
Charleston Maritime Center
August 9, 2014
7:00 pm

Additional Activities on Saturday
Live auction
6:00 pm to 7:00 pm
BBQ Cook-off
5:00 pm

Tournament Day
Saturday - August 9, 2014
Fishing Times:
6:00 am until 4:00 pm
Edisto Island to Bulls Bay Coast
Offshore fishing is not allowed

Spotted Sea Trout

Awards are based on greatest
length for each species
1st Place - $300.00
2nd Place - $200.00
3rd Place - $100.00

Grand Slam - $500.00

combined greatest length of
one each of all three species

Outstanding Female Angler - $150.00
Outstanding Youth Angler - $150.00

Scorecard and
Photo Submission

Charleston Maritime Center
Saturday - August 9, 2014
4:00 pm to 6:00 pm

The event uses a

scoring determined by the length
of each fish


Please visit
for details about the
BBQ Cook-off contest

LifePoint is a statewide non-profit Organ Procurement Organization
headquartered in Charleston which works with Donate Life South Carolina to
increase awareness about the need for organ, eye, and tissue donation.
Currently over 114,000 people in the US are waiting for a
lifesaving organ transplant...About 1,000 of them are in South Carolina.

Contact Information

Brenda Horn
(843) 763-7755


Please visit the official website for a
omplete set of rules and regulations.


  This site has been created by your fellow angler - Janell Nettles
you can reach me at jnettles@lowcountryfishscales.com
Page created 7-8-14